... this is an expanding selection of pics and of some of my shorter pieces of writing ... and other bits and pieces ... in German and mainly English ... and other strange languages ... COME BACK AND CHECK IT OUT ... COMMENTS WELCOME


Tuesday, January 19, 2021




I was dreaming I couldn’t sleep

So, I woke up

And after a while went back to sleep

Soon enough

I was dreaming I couldn’t sleep


I am a Cretan liar

So, I never tell the truth

Never sleep, only dream awake

When I say I told a lie

Did I tell the truth?



Just a pointless language tale

Or a mirror neuron within a mirror

The system checking itself

The snake biting its tail


Whose theory is most elegant?

Russell or Gödel, Wittgenstein, Engels perhaps

Chomskyan minimalist or neo-Gricean pragmatist

The scientific method 

Or Nietzsche as the fröhliche scientist


Follow me

Recognise yourself in the mirror

Fall in love with your image

To be a narcissist and a pathological liar

To be a Machiavellian politician like me, me, me


Better to sleep and dream of life as a dream

Than being awake and to act for real

And yet, per force, commercial universes beckon

Das Kapital, Wealth of Nations reckon

Calquing human language with language of corporate aliens


All the while we spiral up or down the ultimate loop

The dream of blissful extinction

Coming to rest in a mythological Garden of Eden

Eating of peaches and cream

Having finally grasped Escher’s impossible coup


The Moebius strip, the cyclical language rules

No beginning, no end

I am not dreaming now

Must go and make some money, pay the rent

It all drives me around the working-class bend