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Sunday, November 20, 2022




As reported by the Guardian, some state school pupils accompanied by their parents went to the famous upper-class Eton College to attend a talk given by neo-con-con Nigel Farage, as would be expected from a school that counts as old boys ‘Boris Johnson, Prince William, Prince Harry and David Cameron among its alumni’ (OK, OK, Eton also counts some rebels as its alumni, such as George Orwell). Now the news-worthy infotainment is that some Eton pupils abused the state schoolgirls in attendance, subjecting them to “racial slurs” and “generally misogynistic comments”. The Eton pupils were also said to have cheered Farage’s “worst comments on migrants and Covid”.


So, what is the moral of this story? You’d have to be pretty insane to want to listen to Nigel Farage in the first place if you are a commoner but there are obviously any number who fit this description. We know from German history that sections of the working class voted for the Nazis, a section of the population that Marxists generally call petty bourgeoisie. Obviously, they should know their station in life and not attempt to mix with the class above the bourgeoisie, namely the gilded aristocracy (old money and new) that frequent places such as Eton College and Oxford University, even though they share the same bizarre right-wing ideology. In today’s world it is of course not the thing to do, for the masters to publicly abuse the slaves that voted for them, lest there is a Spartacus amongst them. And so, Eton College masters apologised to the world at large and to the common parents and their state school children for their charges having behaved ‘awfully’. Note the choice of vocabulary, for one wouldn’t have wanted to say ‘badly’ – a rather common adverb. Awfully nice, innit? 


Another lesson to be learnt is of course that common ‘girls’ have no place in a privileged boys’ school, even if the girls were told that they should adore the upper-class brats and expect nothing but abuse in return. Only the daughters of the masters may enter, presenting themselves as suitable brides to double the fortunes of their respective families.


What remains is the age-old question as to how and why such a class system came about, how and why it persists in this day and age, and what, if anything, can be done about it. No doubt, Nigel Farage and the Eton masters of this world see this as the natural world order, a type of social Darwinism, a type of biological determinism, a type of primitive might is right doctrine, a divine order. What are the odds to be born into the upper classes, the 1%, the 10%? Is it random selection or pre-determined fate? These are very seductive propositions for those who populate the lower 90%, to the point of denying themselves a majority decision, fighting tooth and nail to keep the system going, hoping against hope that they too will hit the jackpot and be able to afford to send their sons to Eton. Even a dictatorship of the proletariat seems unable to overcome such a class system, merely replicating it by establishing a dictatorial upper class that refuses to make way for a socialist utopia. As such our world is descending once again into a quagmire of mad competition to dominate economically and militarily over each other, class within class, individual against individual, thereby decimating the non-renewable natural resources needed for such insane combat, kicking mother nature in the face and in the belly, only to find out that they have shot themselves in the foot, or more likely in the head. Maybe that’s the only hope for those innocents who survive the carnage, with no further need to compete with each other, they will simply cooperate with each other, speaking French: liberté, égalité, humanité … au naturel. Class dismissed!

